White Belt Dani Belts Book 1 edition by Faye McCray Literature Fiction eBooks
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White Belt Dani Belts Book 1 edition by Faye McCray Literature Fiction eBooks
It's always nice to find a really great zombie story like White Belt, especially when bad ones seem to be running amok these days. What's even nicer about White Belt is how often you find yourself laughing out loud at the writer's wicked sense of humor. It's a very visual story, too, with a writing style that makes everything that happens seem perfectly natural and relatable. Shoe function, for instance, is always an important issue to consider while fleeing eaters (how zombies are referred to in White Belt) with as much ease as possible. And, sadly, some of us can probably imagine our significant other "speeding down the highway, probably still hoping to make Jay Z" in time, no matter that all Hell is breaking loose.There are so many great lines in White Belt. "He looked like he had been waiting for this day his whole life" immediately made me think of some of my friends who get just a little too excited when imagining the possibility of the zombie apocalypse actually happening some day. My absolute favorite, though, is what Dani is thinking as everything kicks off in the beginning: "For a split second all I could think of was what an awesome photo it would make on Instagram. Caption: About to die, ya'll."
White Belt is definitely a Kindle keeper, suspenseful as well as funny, the kind of title that you don't immediately take off your ereader after finishing because you know you'll want to read it again! I'm so glad to see from the author's Amazon page that more of her writing is on its way in the near future.
Tags : White Belt (Dani's Belts Book 1) - Kindle edition by Faye McCray. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading White Belt (Dani's Belts Book 1).,ebook,Faye McCray,White Belt (Dani's Belts Book 1),Faye McCray,Fiction Horror,Fiction Short Stories
White Belt Dani Belts Book 1 edition by Faye McCray Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
I NEVER read Zombie books but this woman can write. Going to read the next book. Awesome. Me and Zombies? Who'd have thought it?
I want Michelle as my best friend if the zombie apocalypse goes down. Though the quick-turn of the eaters freaked my out, this story was great. Halloween was the perfect day for this to come out and I can't wait for the next part.
What a fun read! Dani does not seem to be equipped for the zombie apocalypse, but she's going have on cute clothes and shoes when it happens! I love Dani -- she's spunky! It feels like Carrie from "Sex And The City" stumbled into "The Walking Dead" in the absolute best possible way. Great pacing and some laugh-out-loud funny bits mixed with... zombies! I was SO eager to see what comes next! Bravo, Faye!
In full disclosure, I helped clean up the final cover for this short story. But I did so because I absolutely love McCray's writing. This short story is fast paced, frightening, and well-written. By it's end you are cheering for Dani and wanting more. So much more!
I haven't read much zombie fiction, but I loved this hilarious short story by Faye McCray. Set in a Maryland rest area on the way to a Jay-Z concert, "White Belt" had me alternately laughing out loud and groaning in horror. Clad in cute but decidedly zombie apocalypse-inappropriate platform wedges, 20-year-old Dani braves a flesh-hungry mob with the help of Michelle, a badass in a trucker hat. Amid the over-the-top carnage, Dani's mooching boyfriend is nowhere to be found--he has other important business to attend to, like getting to the concert on time. The humor throughout the story is fantastic, especially Dani's musings as she flees--then takes on--the zombie masses.
I had come across this story on awhile ago and finally decided to go all in and buy the whole series. They are all short and inexpensive anyway. Please to say I got a wonderful surprise and the beginning of a interesting adventure I'm stoked to continue in the next installment.
"White Belt" is an excellent short story that deserves notice. The author has a wicked sense of humor that carries into the sarcastic narrative voice of our heroine, Dani. She encounters a zombie outbreak off a Maryland interstate rest area one day while travelling to the Jay-Z concert with her mooch of a boyfriend. As the zombies take over with the typical blood and carnage, Dani's young college student perspective puts it all in a lens of pop culture references, fashion, and snarky t-shirt statements.
I truly enjoyed this author's writing style, and unlike many self-publications, the story was free from editorial mistakes. Kudos for a job well done - I look forward to more of Dani's story!
It's always nice to find a really great zombie story like White Belt, especially when bad ones seem to be running amok these days. What's even nicer about White Belt is how often you find yourself laughing out loud at the writer's wicked sense of humor. It's a very visual story, too, with a writing style that makes everything that happens seem perfectly natural and relatable. Shoe function, for instance, is always an important issue to consider while fleeing eaters (how zombies are referred to in White Belt) with as much ease as possible. And, sadly, some of us can probably imagine our significant other "speeding down the highway, probably still hoping to make Jay Z" in time, no matter that all Hell is breaking loose.
There are so many great lines in White Belt. "He looked like he had been waiting for this day his whole life" immediately made me think of some of my friends who get just a little too excited when imagining the possibility of the zombie apocalypse actually happening some day. My absolute favorite, though, is what Dani is thinking as everything kicks off in the beginning "For a split second all I could think of was what an awesome photo it would make on Instagram. Caption About to die, ya'll."
White Belt is definitely a keeper, suspenseful as well as funny, the kind of title that you don't immediately take off your ereader after finishing because you know you'll want to read it again! I'm so glad to see from the author's page that more of her writing is on its way in the near future.
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